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Assorted Crystal Eggs

Assorted Crystal Eggs

Regular price $25.00
Regular price Sale price $25.00
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Elevate your space with the harmonious energies of our Assorted Crystal Eggs, featuring the mesmerizing beauty of Tiger Eye, Jasper, and Larvikite. Each egg is meticulously crafted from these captivating crystals, bringing a unique blend of grounding, protection, and transformational energies into your home.

Key Attributes:

  1. Tiger Eye - Courage and Protection: Embrace the protective and grounding energies of Tiger Eye, known for its shimmering golden hues and dynamic chatoyancy. Tiger Eye is a stone of courage and strength, empowering you to face challenges with confidence and resilience. Its protective energy shields you from negativity and promotes a sense of inner stability and security. With Tiger Eye by your side, you can navigate life's twists and turns with grace and determination.

  2. Jasper - Nurturing and Stability: Experience the nurturing and stabilizing energies of Jasper, with its rich earthy tones and comforting vibrations. Jasper is a stone of stability and grounding, anchoring you to the present moment and providing a sense of security and support. Its nurturing energy brings a feeling of warmth and comfort, like a gentle embrace from Mother Earth herself. With Jasper in your space, you can find peace and stability amidst life's uncertainties, fostering a deep sense of inner peace and contentment.

  3. Larvikite - Transformation and Protection: Embrace the transformative and protective energies of Larvikite, with its striking flashes of iridescent blue and black. Larvikite is a stone of transformation, guiding you through periods of change and helping you release old patterns and habits that no longer serve you. Its protective energy shields you from negative influences and psychic attacks, creating a barrier of energetic protection around you. With Larvikite by your side, you can embrace the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, stepping into your true potential with clarity and confidence.

Product Details:

  • Each assorted crystal egg is handcrafted from the finest quality Tiger Eye, Jasper, and Larvikite crystals, showcasing their natural beauty and unique characteristics.
  • These crystal eggs make a stunning addition to any home decor, altar, or crystal collection, bringing a touch of natural beauty and positive energy into your space.
  • Whether used for meditation, energy work, or simply as a decorative accent, our assorted crystal eggs offer a powerful blend of grounding, protection, and transformational energies.

Elevate your space with the harmonious energies of our Assorted Crystal Eggs, featuring Tiger Eye, Jasper, and Larvikite. Let these captivating crystals infuse your home with grounding, protection, and transformation, guiding you on a journey of inner peace, strength, and empowerment.

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